We have been active in the building technology market since 2011. Our team consists of electronics experts, IT specialists, heating engineers, electromobility enthusiasts and people with many years of experience in installing photovoltaics. We are always looking for the right solution for the use of renewable energy in the home.
Due to the fact that there was no integrated solution, we came up with our own for single-family homes in 2013. This solution was designed for new builds and combined, PV, air recovery, heat pump, battery system, LED lighting and other DC supplied appliances. The latter was the key to the system, with all the elements mentioned being driven by DC motors and electronics. There was no conversion to AC anywhere, thus achieving theoretical electrical energy savings.
Despite several installations and the acquisition of patent 2014-30120 (Device for a comprehensive home energy self-sufficiency system), the system was commercially elusive due to its timelessness and the unavailability of components on the market." And, "At this point, we have market-proven products for photovoltaic power plants with battery storage, heat pumps, and electric vehicle chargers. With remote monitoring, we are constantly improving existing and new installations to make them as energy efficient as possible. In development, we are looking at mechanisms for de-centralising units within a single facility as well as Microgrids concepts. In installations we are implementing 100kWp to 1MWp PV plants for businesses with battery storage up to 1MWh.
It's not, as a customer you come into contact with the equipment at least once, set the temperature and that's it. The devices report their status to SunnyCold's monitoring system, in exceptional cases we know about everything and can react.
It's not, as a customer you come into contact with the equipment at least once, set the temperature and that's it. The devices report their status to SunnyCold's monitoring system, in exceptional cases we know about everything and can react.
It's not, as a customer you come into contact with the equipment at least once, set the temperature and that's it. The devices report their status to SunnyCold's monitoring system, in exceptional cases we know about everything and can react.
It's not, as a customer you come into contact with the equipment at least once, set the temperature and that's it. The devices report their status to SunnyCold's monitoring system, in exceptional cases we know about everything and can react.
It's not, as a customer you come into contact with the equipment at least once, set the temperature and that's it. The devices report their status to SunnyCold's monitoring system, in exceptional cases we know about everything and can react.
It's not, as a customer you come into contact with the equipment at least once, set the temperature and that's it. The devices report their status to SunnyCold's monitoring system, in exceptional cases we know about everything and can react.
It's not, as a customer you come into contact with the equipment at least once, set the temperature and that's it. The devices report their status to SunnyCold's monitoring system, in exceptional cases we know about everything and can react.
It's not, as a customer you come into contact with the equipment at least once, set the temperature and that's it. The devices report their status to SunnyCold's monitoring system, in exceptional cases we know about everything and can react.
It's not, as a customer you come into contact with the equipment at least once, set the temperature and that's it. The devices report their status to SunnyCold's monitoring system, in exceptional cases we know about everything and can react.
It's not, as a customer you come into contact with the equipment at least once, set the temperature and that's it. The devices report their status to SunnyCold's monitoring system, in exceptional cases we know about everything and can react.
EKOMONT Holding s.r.o. se zabývá obráběním a zpracováním kovů, tyto procesy jsou vysoce energeticky náročné a vlastní vyrobená energie jim tak přijde vhod.
Provoz vyrábí řezivo z kulatiny a prodává ho jak mokré, tak vysušené. Právě proces vysoušení běží dnem i nocí, a tak nebylo možné vykrýt jeho spotřebu instalovanou fotovoltaikou. Bateriové úložiště uloží přebytky právě pro technologické procesy, které beží mimo dobu slunečního svitu.
Firma SANS vytábí a dodává čistící prostředky, obalové materiály, auto kosmetiku a hygienické výrobky. Jejich výroba je pak značně nýročná na spotřebu elektrické energie.
Firma Očenášek a.s. vyrábí kovové radiátory, jejich vároba je náročná na spotřebu elekterické energie.
Firma REMO měla stávající FVE a její energii chtěla firma využít i ve večerních a nočních hodinách. Stejně tak nabíjet nově zakoupený elektromobil.
Firma Autia Pacov, s.r.o. byla založena v roce 1999. Od svého počátku se specializuje na servis motorových vozidel a kovoobráběčské práce. Právě práce s kovem vyžadují velký nárok na spotřebu elektrické energie, které FVE s úložištěm sníží na minimum.
V rámci zlepšení efektivity nakládání s energiemi bylo instalováno bateriívé úložiště s fotovoltaickou elektrárnou.
V areálu závodu je vícesměnný provoz, práce se vstřikovacími lisy a výroba z plastu, tedy vysoká spotřeba celých 24hodin, snížení nákladů tedy umožní FVE s bateriovým úložištěm.
V objektu firmy JBR sídlí několik firem s různým časem provozu, proto byla instalována FVE s bateriovým úložištěm.
Firma A-import se od samého počátku soustředila na distribuci pomůcek pro diabetiky, pacienty postižené respiračními obtížemi a ostatní zdravotnický materiál. Naše zařízení pomáhá snižovat náklady na jejich provoz.
Firma se specializuje na prodej a servis úklidové, čistící, zvedací, zahradní a sanitární techniky. Řešení sunnycold pomáhá ke snižování jejich nákladů.
Pro školící centrum a autoškolu byla instalována fotovoltaika, nabíješka EV, bateriové úložiště i tepelné čerpadlo.
Autocentrum jandovský nabízí služby autoservisu, s přicházející elektromobilitou řeší možnost nabíjení ze slunce a tím snižování nákladů a příkonu areálu.